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1Jessop Saville Ltd.  Winners of the Cricket Mid-Week League, 1961.y11608

Jessop Saville Ltd. Winners of the Cricket Mid-Week League, 1961.

2Sheffield City Council's Education Department cricket team, winners, against Housing cricket team, of the Howie Shield and played at Transport Department ground, Meadowheady15600

Sheffield City Council's Education Department cricket team, winners, against Housing cricket team, of the Howie Shield and played at Transport Department ground, Meadowhead

3Cricket match at Bramall Lane, looking towards the South East standss22611

Cricket match at Bramall Lane, looking towards the South East stands

4Cricket match at Bramall Lane looking South Easts27921

Cricket match at Bramall Lane looking South East

5Alec Coxon of Yorkshire Cricket Club coming out to bat at Bramall Lane, late 1940s or 1950su01005

Alec Coxon of Yorkshire Cricket Club coming out to bat at Bramall Lane, late 1940s or 1950s

6 Sheffield City Libraries Ladies staff cricket team, Graves Park 	u04723

Sheffield City Libraries Ladies staff cricket team, Graves Park

7Possibly Sheffield Collegiate cricket teamp01737

Possibly Sheffield Collegiate cricket team

8Transport Department Cricket Clubv00015

Transport Department Cricket Club

9Hatfield House Lane Methodist C. C. on their regular pitch in Concord Park (north of the footpath which led to the minature golf course and through Woolley Woods to Ecclesfield Road) looking towards Wincobank Hillv00714

Hatfield House Lane Methodist C. C. on their regular pitch in Concord Park (north of the footpath which led to the minature golf course and through Woolley Woods to Ecclesfield Road) looking towards Wincobank Hill

10Sheffield Clarion Clubhouse Cricket Team on the Clarion Sportsfieldv01442

Sheffield Clarion Clubhouse Cricket Team on the Clarion Sportsfield

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