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1Ecclesfield cricket ground pavilion, Ecclesfield Parks28757

Ecclesfield cricket ground pavilion, Ecclesfield Park

2Whitley Hall Cricket Club Ground, Cinder Hill Lane, Ecclesfields28759

Whitley Hall Cricket Club Ground, Cinder Hill Lane, Ecclesfield

3Cricket match at Low Bradfields28760

Cricket match at Low Bradfield

4Yorkshire Indoor Cricket Centre, Savile Streets28762

Yorkshire Indoor Cricket Centre, Savile Street

5Demolition of old pavilion, Bramall Lane cricket groundt10961

Demolition of old pavilion, Bramall Lane cricket ground

6Demolition of old pavilion, Bramall Lane cricket groundt10962

Demolition of old pavilion, Bramall Lane cricket ground

7Former cricket pavilion, Bramall Lane Cricket Groundt12305

Former cricket pavilion, Bramall Lane Cricket Ground

8Hadfields Sports Ground taken from Bawtry Road looking towards Mapelbeck  Roads16842

Hadfields Sports Ground taken from Bawtry Road looking towards Mapelbeck Road

9Aerial view of Bramall Lane football and cricket ground and St. Mary's Church areas26132

Aerial view of Bramall Lane football and cricket ground and St. Mary's Church area

10Aerial view of Bramall Lane football and cricket ground, s26133

Aerial view of Bramall Lane football and cricket ground,

Found 144 records.

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