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1Beighton Cricket Club at Beighton Sports Ground. Former Groves Farm House in background (used as a golf house in the early 1920s and in 1927 became the Miners Welfare Club and Institute)s21108

Beighton Cricket Club at Beighton Sports Ground. Former Groves Farm House in background (used as a golf house in the early 1920s and in 1927 became the Miners Welfare Club and Institute)

2Score board at Beighton Sports Ground, High Streets21111

Score board at Beighton Sports Ground, High Street

3Oak Street Cricket Club (members of Oak Street United Methodist Church)t00376

Oak Street Cricket Club (members of Oak Street United Methodist Church)

4Oak Street Cricket Club (members of Oak Street United Methodist Church)t00378

Oak Street Cricket Club (members of Oak Street United Methodist Church)

5Page from a souvenir booklet by J.G. Graves Ltd., mail order suppliers, showing Graves Park Cricket Pitch, Bowling Green and Tennis Courtv01272

Page from a souvenir booklet by J.G. Graves Ltd., mail order suppliers, showing Graves Park Cricket Pitch, Bowling Green and Tennis Court

6Hunter's Bar Boys' School cricket team, winners of the cricket shield.v01831

Hunter's Bar Boys' School cricket team, winners of the cricket shield.

7Hallam Cricket Clubv02145

Hallam Cricket Club

8Hallam Cricket Clubv02146

Hallam Cricket Club

9Hallam Cricket Clubv02147

Hallam Cricket Club

10Hallam Cricket Clubv02149

Hallam Cricket Club

Found 144 records.

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