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1The Yorkshire Cricketers y14951

The Yorkshire Cricketers

2The Gloucestershire Cricketers, c. 1875y14953

The Gloucestershire Cricketers, c. 1875

3The Nottinghamshire Cricketers, c. 1876y14956

The Nottinghamshire Cricketers, c. 1876

4The Lancashire Cricketers, c. 1876y14957

The Lancashire Cricketers, c. 1876

5The Middlesex Cricketers, c. 1876y14958

The Middlesex Cricketers, c. 1876

6Hallam and Staveley Cricket Teamss03868

Hallam and Staveley Cricket Teams

7Broadsheet with results of the Cricket Match, Three Counties v's All England played at the new Cricket Ground at Darnalls27929

Broadsheet with results of the Cricket Match, Three Counties v's All England played at the new Cricket Ground at Darnall

8Michael Joseph Ellison (1817 - 1898), President of Yorkshire County Cricket Club. 1863-98s08308

Michael Joseph Ellison (1817 - 1898), President of Yorkshire County Cricket Club. 1863-98

9Cricket team, most probably Beighton cricket team as photograph is took at Beighton Sports Grounds21106

Cricket team, most probably Beighton cricket team as photograph is took at Beighton Sports Ground

10Cricket team, most probably Beighton Cricket Club as photograph is taken at Beighton Sports Grounds21107

Cricket team, most probably Beighton Cricket Club as photograph is taken at Beighton Sports Ground

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