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1Sheffield Wednesday Cricket Clubp01333

Sheffield Wednesday Cricket Club

2Unidentified group playing cricketp01730

Unidentified group playing cricket

3Unidentified cricket teamp01734

Unidentified cricket team

4Unidentified cricket teamp01735

Unidentified cricket team

5Unidentified cricket teamp01736

Unidentified cricket team

6Possibly Hallam Cricket Club womens teamp01743

Possibly Hallam Cricket Club womens team

7Unidentified [church?] cricket teamp01744

Unidentified [church?] cricket team

8Bramall Lane cricket grounds03878

Bramall Lane cricket ground

9George Henry Wright, ground-keeper at Bramall Lane Cricket Grounds08333

George Henry Wright, ground-keeper at Bramall Lane Cricket Ground

10Transport Department Cricket Clubv00009

Transport Department Cricket Club

Found 144 records.

Page of 15.