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1Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Road showing (centre) No. 383 Bar Abbeyv05157

Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Road showing (centre) No. 383 Bar Abbey

2Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Roadv05158

Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Road

3Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Roadv05159

Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Road

4Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Roadv05160

Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Road

5Former Adelphi Picture Theatre, Vicarage Road, Attercliffev05161

Former Adelphi Picture Theatre, Vicarage Road, Attercliffe

6Former Adelphi Picture Theatre, Vicarage Road, Attercliffev05162

Former Adelphi Picture Theatre, Vicarage Road, Attercliffe

7Former Adelphi Picture Theatre, Vicarage Road, Attercliffev05163

Former Adelphi Picture Theatre, Vicarage Road, Attercliffe

8Former Adelphi Picture Theatre, Vicarage Road, Attercliffev05164

Former Adelphi Picture Theatre, Vicarage Road, Attercliffe

9Netto Supermarket (formerly Hillsborough Park Cinema and latterly an Asda Supermarket), Middlewood Roadv05165

Netto Supermarket (formerly Hillsborough Park Cinema and latterly an Asda Supermarket), Middlewood Road

10Gable end of probably former Hillsborough Park Cinema (latterly a Netto and then an Asda Supermarket), Middlewood Roadv05166

Gable end of probably former Hillsborough Park Cinema (latterly a Netto and then an Asda Supermarket), Middlewood Road

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