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1The old Ritz Cinema on Wordworth Avenue, Parsons Crossc03830

The old Ritz Cinema on Wordworth Avenue, Parsons Cross

2The Old Ritz Cinema on Wordsworth Avenue, Parsons Crossc03831

The Old Ritz Cinema on Wordsworth Avenue, Parsons Cross

3Showroom Cinema, Paternoster Rowt02441

Showroom Cinema, Paternoster Row

4Bed Nightclub (formerly Locarno Ballroom earlier Lansdowne Picture Palace) at the junction of Boston Street and London Roadv02680

Bed Nightclub (formerly Locarno Ballroom earlier Lansdowne Picture Palace) at the junction of Boston Street and London Road

5Bed Nightclub (formerly Locarno Ballroom earlier Lansdowne Picture Palace) at the junction of Boston Street and London Roadv02681

Bed Nightclub (formerly Locarno Ballroom earlier Lansdowne Picture Palace) at the junction of Boston Street and London Road

6Crucible Theatre, and the Odeon Cinema, Arundel Gatev02907

Crucible Theatre, and the Odeon Cinema, Arundel Gate

7Asda Supermarket, 98 Catch Bar Lane (formerly Hillsborough Cinema)c04055

Asda Supermarket, 98 Catch Bar Lane (formerly Hillsborough Cinema)

8Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Roadc04198

Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Road

9Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Roadc04197

Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Road

10Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Roadc04199

Former Abbeydale Picture House, Abbeydale Road

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