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1Arundel Gate from the Lyceum Theatre looking towards the Odeon and former Top Rank Sheffield Suites23067

Arundel Gate from the Lyceum Theatre looking towards the Odeon and former Top Rank Sheffield Suite

2Hornes; Town Hall Chambers; GT News, Barkers Pool with the edge of The Gaumont Cinema extreme rights23103

Hornes; Town Hall Chambers; GT News, Barkers Pool with the edge of The Gaumont Cinema extreme right

3General view of Barkers Pool looking towards Cambridge Street and Division Streets23104

General view of Barkers Pool looking towards Cambridge Street and Division Street

4New Oxford House Offices and the Gaumont Cinema, Barkers Pool  looking towards Town Hall Squares23108

New Oxford House Offices and the Gaumont Cinema, Barkers Pool looking towards Town Hall Square

5New Odeon Cinema under construction on the site of the Gaumont Cinema junction of Burgess Street and Barkers Pool.s23112

New Odeon Cinema under construction on the site of the Gaumont Cinema junction of Burgess Street and Barkers Pool.

6Early Learning Centre; Pizzaland Restaurant; Mothercare and Odeon Cinema, Barkers Pools23114

Early Learning Centre; Pizzaland Restaurant; Mothercare and Odeon Cinema, Barkers Pool

7Early Learning Centre; Pizzaland Restaurant; Mothercare and Odeon Cinema, Barkers Pool and the junction with Burgess Streets23115

Early Learning Centre; Pizzaland Restaurant; Mothercare and Odeon Cinema, Barkers Pool and the junction with Burgess Street

8Town Hall Chambers; GT News; Early Learning Centre; Pizzaland Restaurant; Mothercare and Odeon Cinema, Barkers Pool and the junction with Burgess Streets23116

Town Hall Chambers; GT News; Early Learning Centre; Pizzaland Restaurant; Mothercare and Odeon Cinema, Barkers Pool and the junction with Burgess Street

9Elevated view of rooftops of property on Pinstone Street; Barkers Pool and Division Street showing the roof of the Odeon Cinema; Cole Brothers; City Hall; Barkers Pool Gardens and War Memorials23118

Elevated view of rooftops of property on Pinstone Street; Barkers Pool and Division Street showing the roof of the Odeon Cinema; Cole Brothers; City Hall; Barkers Pool Gardens and War Memorial

10Elevated view of Barkers Pool from City Hall showing Barkers Pool Gardens; New Oxford House (left);Town Hall Chambers; GT News; Early Learning Centre; Pizzaland Restaurant; Nos. 19 - 21 Mothercare and Odeon Cinema at the junction with Burgess Street s23119

Elevated view of Barkers Pool from City Hall showing Barkers Pool Gardens; New Oxford House (left);Town Hall Chambers; GT News; Early Learning Centre; Pizzaland Restaurant; Nos. 19 - 21 Mothercare and Odeon Cinema at the junction with Burgess Street

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