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1Lord Mayor's Fund - hospitals' Christmas parcels for the Sheffield Joint Hospitals' Councily04985

Lord Mayor's Fund - hospitals' Christmas parcels for the Sheffield Joint Hospitals' Council

2Lord Mayor's Fund - hospitals' Christmas parcels for the Sheffield Joint Hospitals' Councily04986

Lord Mayor's Fund - hospitals' Christmas parcels for the Sheffield Joint Hospitals' Council

3Cover of J. G. Graves Christmas mail order cataloguey05459

Cover of J. G. Graves Christmas mail order catalogue

4Oughtibridge [Primary] School Christmas party groupu06504

Oughtibridge [Primary] School Christmas party group

5Nurses, children and Santa Claus [possibly Queen Victoria District Nursing Association, Johnson Memorial Home, No. 4 Endcliffe Crescent]h00359

Nurses, children and Santa Claus [possibly Queen Victoria District Nursing Association, Johnson Memorial Home, No. 4 Endcliffe Crescent]

6Children's ward, City General (latterly Northern General) Hospital, Fir Valeh00370

Children's ward, City General (latterly Northern General) Hospital, Fir Vale

7Children's ward, City General (latterly Northern General) Hospital, Fir Valeh00372

Children's ward, City General (latterly Northern General) Hospital, Fir Vale

8Children's ward, City General (latterly Northern General) Hospital, Fir Valeh00373

Children's ward, City General (latterly Northern General) Hospital, Fir Vale

9Children's ward, City General (latterly Northern General) Hospital, Fir Valeh00374

Children's ward, City General (latterly Northern General) Hospital, Fir Vale

10St. George's C. of E. Church, Brook Hill, services at Christmasp01410

St. George's C. of E. Church, Brook Hill, services at Christmas

Found 625 records.

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