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1Big Wheel in the Peace Gardensa00081

Big Wheel in the Peace Gardens

2Christmas Illuminations in Pinstone Streeta00087

Christmas Illuminations in Pinstone Street

3Santa's Grotto, Peace Gardensc02777

Santa's Grotto, Peace Gardens

4Santa's Grotto, Peace Gardensc02778

Santa's Grotto, Peace Gardens

5Decorations in Town Hall Square. Yorkshire House and Barker's Pool, in backgroundt01281

Decorations in Town Hall Square. Yorkshire House and Barker's Pool, in background

6Commercial Street showing Christmas illuminationst01850

Commercial Street showing Christmas illuminations

7Christmas tree in Town Hall Square looking towards Leopold Streett02043

Christmas tree in Town Hall Square looking towards Leopold Street

8Christmas Market, Fargatea01489

Christmas Market, Fargate

9Thor's Tipi bar, Peace Gardensa03998

Thor's Tipi bar, Peace Gardens

10Christmas lights, Barkers Poolv02927

Christmas lights, Barkers Pool

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Page of 63.