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1Christmas decorations on Fargate showing (left) Ravel shoe shops45434

Christmas decorations on Fargate showing (left) Ravel shoe shop

2Christmas decorations in Castle Square looking towards (centre) High Street and showing (left) Rackhams, department stores45435

Christmas decorations in Castle Square looking towards (centre) High Street and showing (left) Rackhams, department store

3Christmas decorations in High Street and showing (right) Nos. 35-37 Virgin Recordss45436

Christmas decorations in High Street and showing (right) Nos. 35-37 Virgin Records

4Christmas decorations in Fargate looking towards Town Hall Squares45437

Christmas decorations in Fargate looking towards Town Hall Square

5Christmas decorations in Exchange Street showing shops on The Gallery, Castle Markets45438

Christmas decorations in Exchange Street showing shops on The Gallery, Castle Market

6Christmas decorations in Castle Square looking towards High Street and showing (left) Nos. 59 - 65 C. and A. Modes Ltd., department stores45439

Christmas decorations in Castle Square looking towards High Street and showing (left) Nos. 59 - 65 C. and A. Modes Ltd., department store

7Christmas decorations on The Moors45440

Christmas decorations on The Moor

8Christmas lights 'switch on' in Fargates45441

Christmas lights 'switch on' in Fargate

9Christmas decorations on The Moor showing Nos. 78 - 82 J. Sainsbury, supermarket and John Atkinson Ltd., department stores45442

Christmas decorations on The Moor showing Nos. 78 - 82 J. Sainsbury, supermarket and John Atkinson Ltd., department store

10Christmas decorations on The Moors45443

Christmas decorations on The Moor

Found 625 records.

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