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1Victoria Quays showing Hilton Hotel with narrowboats in the Canal Basint12966

Victoria Quays showing Hilton Hotel with narrowboats in the Canal Basin

2Renovation of Canal Basin showing (left) the Straddle Warehouset14083

Renovation of Canal Basin showing (left) the Straddle Warehouse

3Arches at the Canal Basin showing (centre) the Straddle Warehouse and (top left) Hyde Park Flats t14084

Arches at the Canal Basin showing (centre) the Straddle Warehouse and (top left) Hyde Park Flats

4View from Blast Lane of Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and Derek Dooley Way bridge over the canala07840

View from Blast Lane of Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and Derek Dooley Way bridge over the canal

5View from Blast Lane of Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and Derek Dooley Way bridge over the canala07841

View from Blast Lane of Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and Derek Dooley Way bridge over the canal

6Dave Tulley and Motor Cruises, Sheffield Canal Basin, Hyde Park Flats in the backgrounds01696

Dave Tulley and Motor Cruises, Sheffield Canal Basin, Hyde Park Flats in the background

7Sheffield Canal Basin after refurbishment showing Merchants Crescent Coal Offices, Canal Wharfs01736

Sheffield Canal Basin after refurbishment showing Merchants Crescent Coal Offices, Canal Wharf

8Derelict Merchants Crescent Coal Offices, Canal Wharfs21407

Derelict Merchants Crescent Coal Offices, Canal Wharf

9Former Merchants Crescent Coal Offices and new arch being constructed during the renovation of the Canal Basin, Exchange Streetu11588

Former Merchants Crescent Coal Offices and new arch being constructed during the renovation of the Canal Basin, Exchange Street

10New arch constructed as part of the renovation of the Canal Basin, Exchange Streetu11589

New arch constructed as part of the renovation of the Canal Basin, Exchange Street

Found 619 records.

Page of 62.