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1The sloop 'Swallow' on the Stainforth and Keadby Canals34687

The sloop 'Swallow' on the Stainforth and Keadby Canal

2Lock House, Tinsley Lockss15326

Lock House, Tinsley Locks

3Locks at Tinsleyv01662

Locks at Tinsley

4Victoria Docks - Sheffield Ship Canal. [looking ahead 10 years to] 'Opened October 6th 1898'y15440

Victoria Docks - Sheffield Ship Canal. [looking ahead 10 years to] 'Opened October 6th 1898'

5Detail of South East view of Sheffield from Park Hill, by William Ibbitt. Tower Grinding Wheel and Canal Basin in distanceu04126

Detail of South East view of Sheffield from Park Hill, by William Ibbitt. Tower Grinding Wheel and Canal Basin in distance

6William Greaves and Son, Sheaf Worksw01981

William Greaves and Son, Sheaf Works

7Sheffield Canal, sketched by John Holland Brammall (when a boy)arc02402

Sheffield Canal, sketched by John Holland Brammall (when a boy)

8An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Canal from Sheffield to Tinsleyy13356

An Act for making and maintaining a navigable Canal from Sheffield to Tinsley

9Plan of the alterations and improvements to be made in the navigation of the River Dun [between Mexborough and Doncaster]arc02907

Plan of the alterations and improvements to be made in the navigation of the River Dun [between Mexborough and Doncaster]

10Old Halfpenny Bridge, Tinsleys07610

Old Halfpenny Bridge, Tinsley

Found 619 records.

Page of 62.