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1View of Tinsley from the roof of W. T. Flather, Standard Steel Works of the area before the construction of the Tinsley Viaduct and the M1 motorway in 1961s43310

View of Tinsley from the roof of W. T. Flather, Standard Steel Works of the area before the construction of the Tinsley Viaduct and the M1 motorway in 1961

2Sheffield Canalw02666

Sheffield Canal

3Canal Basin showing Straddle Warehouse and steam crane for loading on to barges and keelss02747

Canal Basin showing Straddle Warehouse and steam crane for loading on to barges and keels

4Horse-drawn Keels on the Sheffield Canals02748

Horse-drawn Keels on the Sheffield Canal

5T. W. Ward, Coal Office, Canal Basins07242

T. W. Ward, Coal Office, Canal Basin

6Tinsley Bridge, Sheffield Roads07523

Tinsley Bridge, Sheffield Road

7Sheffield Canal at Broughton Lane Bridges07553

Sheffield Canal at Broughton Lane Bridge

8Pinfold Canal Bridge, Staniforth Roads07595

Pinfold Canal Bridge, Staniforth Road

9Aeriel view of W. T. Flather Ltd., Bright Steels, Sheffield Road, Tinsleys10050

Aeriel view of W. T. Flather Ltd., Bright Steels, Sheffield Road, Tinsley

10Aerial view-City Centre including (left-right) Snig Hill, Bank St to Castle St, Campo Lane and High St in foreground, River Don, Corn Exchange, Castlefolds Market, Norfolk Market Hall and Sheaf St, centre, Park Station,Canal basin and City Station, bs12354

Aerial view-City Centre including (left-right) Snig Hill, Bank St to Castle St, Campo Lane and High St in foreground, River Don, Corn Exchange, Castlefolds Market, Norfolk Market Hall and Sheaf St, centre, Park Station,Canal basin and City Station, b

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