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1Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Baltic Steel Works and Bacon Lane Bridge, SYK Navigation Canal and Baltic Steel Works, the location of the opening scene in the film 'The Full Monty'c02046

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Baltic Steel Works and Bacon Lane Bridge, SYK Navigation Canal and Baltic Steel Works, the location of the opening scene in the film 'The Full Monty'

2Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation between Bacon Lane Bridge and Pinfold Bridgec02047

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation between Bacon Lane Bridge and Pinfold Bridge

3Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and the rear of Wortks on Effingham Roadc02048

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and the rear of Wortks on Effingham Road

4Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and the rear of Works on Effingham Roadc02049

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and the rear of Works on Effingham Road

5Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Veolia Environmental Services, Refuse Disposal Works and former Bone Mills now part of Bedford Rolling Mills(right)c02050

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Veolia Environmental Services, Refuse Disposal Works and former Bone Mills now part of Bedford Rolling Mills(right)

6Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Veolia Environmental Services, Refuse Disposal Works and former Bone Mills now part of Bedford Rolling Mills (right)c02052

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Veolia Environmental Services, Refuse Disposal Works and former Bone Mills now part of Bedford Rolling Mills (right)

7Former Bone Mills now part of Bedford Rolling Mills and Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigationc02053

Former Bone Mills now part of Bedford Rolling Mills and Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation

8Rear of Taylor Forgings, steel manufacturers, Canal Works, Effingham Road and Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigationc02054

Rear of Taylor Forgings, steel manufacturers, Canal Works, Effingham Road and Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation

9Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Midland Railway Bridgec02055

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Midland Railway Bridge

10Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Cadman Street Bridgec02056

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Cadman Street Bridge

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