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1Derelict buildings at the Canal Basin s42679

Derelict buildings at the Canal Basin

2Wharf, offices and warehouses at the Canal Basin s42681

Wharf, offices and warehouses at the Canal Basin

3Boatyard, Canal Basins42687

Boatyard, Canal Basin

4Terminal warehouse, Canal Basins42706

Terminal warehouse, Canal Basin

5Terminal warehouse (left) and wharf, Canal Basins42707

Terminal warehouse (left) and wharf, Canal Basin

6Former Thos. C. Hurdley and Co. Ltd, Baltic Steelworks, Effingham Roadt07288

Former Thos. C. Hurdley and Co. Ltd, Baltic Steelworks, Effingham Road

7Sheffield and South Yorkshire Canal looking towards (centre) A. Marriott, haulage contractors, No.1 Lumley Street and Bernard Road incinerator chimneyt07289

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Canal looking towards (centre) A. Marriott, haulage contractors, No.1 Lumley Street and Bernard Road incinerator chimney

8Sheffield and South Yorkshire Canal looking towards (centre) gas holder at the Effingham Street Gas Workst07290

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Canal looking towards (centre) gas holder at the Effingham Street Gas Works

9Sheffield and South Yorkshire Canal looking towards (centre) gas holder at the Effingham Street Gas Workst07291

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Canal looking towards (centre) gas holder at the Effingham Street Gas Works

10Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and the rear of Firth's Iron Works on Effingham Roadt08431

Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation and the rear of Firth's Iron Works on Effingham Road

Found 619 records.

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