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1Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherhamv01985

Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherham

2Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherhamv01986

Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherham

3Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherhamv01987

Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherham

4Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherhamv01988

Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherham

5Foundry sheds at the derelict Thomas Turton and Sons, Sheaf Works, Maltravers Street viewed from the Canal with The Royal Victoria Hotel in the backgroundv02584

Foundry sheds at the derelict Thomas Turton and Sons, Sheaf Works, Maltravers Street viewed from the Canal with The Royal Victoria Hotel in the background

6Foundry sheds at the derelict Thomas Turton and Sons, Sheaf Works, Maltravers Street viewed from the Canalv02587

Foundry sheds at the derelict Thomas Turton and Sons, Sheaf Works, Maltravers Street viewed from the Canal

7Derelict Sheaf Works by moorings of the  Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigationv03624

Derelict Sheaf Works by moorings of the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation

8Derelict Sheaf Works by moorings of the  Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation with the Royal Victoria Holiday Inn in the backgroundv03625

Derelict Sheaf Works by moorings of the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation with the Royal Victoria Holiday Inn in the background

9Derelict Sheaf Works early 1990'sv03640

Derelict Sheaf Works early 1990's

10Cadman Bridge, Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Midland Railway Bridgev03661

Cadman Bridge, Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation looking towards Midland Railway Bridge

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