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1Demolition of one block of Hyde Park Flats showing St. Johns Church looking across the Canal Basint04824

Demolition of one block of Hyde Park Flats showing St. Johns Church looking across the Canal Basin

2Derelict Merchant Crescent Coal Office, Canal Wharf, Canal Basin, SYK Navigationu02956

Derelict Merchant Crescent Coal Office, Canal Wharf, Canal Basin, SYK Navigation

3Building works at Victoria Quaysu04414

Building works at Victoria Quays

4Building works at Victoria Quays, during which the canal was drainedu04416

Building works at Victoria Quays, during which the canal was drained

5Canoeists on the Sheffield and Tinsley Canalu05412

Canoeists on the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal

6Sheffield Arena built for the World Student Games showing Don Valley Bowl, East End Park  and Steel Ladle with the U.K. Summer Special Olympics in progress (left) Supertram Tracks; Railway and Sheff and SYK Navigationu06283

Sheffield Arena built for the World Student Games showing Don Valley Bowl, East End Park and Steel Ladle with the U.K. Summer Special Olympics in progress (left) Supertram Tracks; Railway and Sheff and SYK Navigation

7Site of the proposed Don Valley Stadium formerly the site of Brown Bayleys Ltd. with Sheffield and SYK Navigation leftu06298

Site of the proposed Don Valley Stadium formerly the site of Brown Bayleys Ltd. with Sheffield and SYK Navigation left

8Sheffield and SYK Navigation and site of the proposed Don Valley Stadium formerly the site of Brown Bayleys Ltd. rightu06299

Sheffield and SYK Navigation and site of the proposed Don Valley Stadium formerly the site of Brown Bayleys Ltd. right

9Chipping Basin Moorings, Sheffield and SYK Navigation with Coleridge Road Suspension Bridge visible rightu06303

Chipping Basin Moorings, Sheffield and SYK Navigation with Coleridge Road Suspension Bridge visible right

10Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherhamv01985

Park House School's narrowboat 'Avril' negotiating the lock at Holmes, Rotherham

Found 619 records.

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