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1Keel, Dorothy Pax (awaiting restoration) moored near Effingham Street Gasworks, South Yorkshire Navigation Canalt02662

Keel, Dorothy Pax (awaiting restoration) moored near Effingham Street Gasworks, South Yorkshire Navigation Canal

2Various water transport moored near the derelict Sheaf Works on the SYK Navigationt02665

Various water transport moored near the derelict Sheaf Works on the SYK Navigation

3Restored Canal Basin renamed Victoria Quays looking towards Basin Masters Office with Hyde Park Flats in the backgroundt02666

Restored Canal Basin renamed Victoria Quays looking towards Basin Masters Office with Hyde Park Flats in the background

4Victoria Quays, restored Canal Basin with Hotel Bristol formerly Smithfield House in the backgroundt02667

Victoria Quays, restored Canal Basin with Hotel Bristol formerly Smithfield House in the background

5The Straddle formerly the Straddle Warehouse, Victoria Quays, Canal Basint02668

The Straddle formerly the Straddle Warehouse, Victoria Quays, Canal Basin

6Restored Canal Basin renamed Victoria Quays with the Basin Masters Officet02669

Restored Canal Basin renamed Victoria Quays with the Basin Masters Office

7The Straddle formerly the Straddle Warehouse, Victoria Quays, Canal Basint02670

The Straddle formerly the Straddle Warehouse, Victoria Quays, Canal Basin

8Various water transport in front of the derelict Straddle Warehouse, Canal Basint02671

Various water transport in front of the derelict Straddle Warehouse, Canal Basin

9Canal Basin with the derelict Straddle Warehouse (centre)t02672

Canal Basin with the derelict Straddle Warehouse (centre)

10The Straddle formerly the Straddle Warehouse, Victoria Quays, Canal Basin with the keel June moored in the foreground and Stakis Hotel rightt02673

The Straddle formerly the Straddle Warehouse, Victoria Quays, Canal Basin with the keel June moored in the foreground and Stakis Hotel right

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