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1Tinsley Locks, Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigations26945

Tinsley Locks, Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation

2Hadfields Ltd., Wharf Lane Works and Sheffield and SYK Navigations26973

Hadfields Ltd., Wharf Lane Works and Sheffield and SYK Navigation

3Keel, Dorothy Pax being moved to Sheffield Canal Company boat yard, Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation for restorations27140

Keel, Dorothy Pax being moved to Sheffield Canal Company boat yard, Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation for restoration

4Pinfold Bridge, Staniforth Road over the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigations27930

Pinfold Bridge, Staniforth Road over the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation

5Sheffield and South Yorkshirre Navigation at Bacon Lane Bridgeu10733

Sheffield and South Yorkshirre Navigation at Bacon Lane Bridge

6Victoria Quays Festival, 6/7/8 May 1995, official reopening of canal basin to public, view of canal taken near Victoria Boatyardt00722

Victoria Quays Festival, 6/7/8 May 1995, official reopening of canal basin to public, view of canal taken near Victoria Boatyard

7Footbridge linking Chippingham Street and Staniforth Road over Sheffield Canal near Don Valley Stadiumt00724

Footbridge linking Chippingham Street and Staniforth Road over Sheffield Canal near Don Valley Stadium

8General view of Canal Basin taken from Park Square roundaboutt01375

General view of Canal Basin taken from Park Square roundabout

9General view of Canal Basin from Park Squaret01376

General view of Canal Basin from Park Square

10Keel moored near Effingham Street Gasworks, South Yorkshire Navigation Canalt02661

Keel moored near Effingham Street Gasworks, South Yorkshire Navigation Canal

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