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1Bomb damage on Angel Street from High Court showing Syminton and Croft Ltd, ladies outfitters (left) and Burton Montague Ltd, tailors (right) c.1942s34876

Bomb damage on Angel Street from High Court showing Syminton and Croft Ltd, ladies outfitters (left) and Burton Montague Ltd, tailors (right) c.1942

2Bomb damage during the Sheffield Blitza01943

Bomb damage during the Sheffield Blitz

3Extract from La Domenica del Corriere (Sunday Courier), 22 Dec 1940, illustrating the Sheffield blitzy12365

Extract from La Domenica del Corriere (Sunday Courier), 22 Dec 1940, illustrating the Sheffield blitz

4Atkinson's pond, former premises (Blitz damaged) of John Atkinson Ltd., department store showing (top centre) Marks and Spencer Ltd.w02667

Atkinson's pond, former premises (Blitz damaged) of John Atkinson Ltd., department store showing (top centre) Marks and Spencer Ltd.

5Brook Hill showing the aftermath of a high explosive bomb on a 24 inch water main on 12th December, 1940y13080

Brook Hill showing the aftermath of a high explosive bomb on a 24 inch water main on 12th December, 1940

6Bomb damage on Newbould Laney13098

Bomb damage on Newbould Lane

7Waterworks chlorination van in action on Newbould Laney13099

Waterworks chlorination van in action on Newbould Lane

8Fighting a fire during the Blitzs45508

Fighting a fire during the Blitz

9Air raid bomb damage in unidentified locationp01874

Air raid bomb damage in unidentified location

10Sheffield Smelting Company Limited, Royds Mill, Windsor Street - damage by enemy actionarc06476

Sheffield Smelting Company Limited, Royds Mill, Windsor Street - damage by enemy action

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