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1A Plan of an additional building lot on Park Hill set out for John Matthewsarc03373

A Plan of an additional building lot on Park Hill set out for John Matthews

2Map of Wm. [William] Hattersley's building lot in the Parkarc03374

Map of Wm. [William] Hattersley's building lot in the Park

3Map of George Fowlstone's building lot in the Parkarc03375

Map of George Fowlstone's building lot in the Park

4A plan of John Ashton's building lot in the Parkarc03376

A plan of John Ashton's building lot in the Park

5A map of two building lots in the Parkarc03377

A map of two building lots in the Park

6The tenements and ground on Park Hill intended to be demised to George Crowderarc03378

The tenements and ground on Park Hill intended to be demised to George Crowder

7A Plan of the tenements on the Park Hill proposed to be demised to Geo. [George] Crowderarc03379

A Plan of the tenements on the Park Hill proposed to be demised to Geo. [George] Crowder

8A plan of the tenements and ground at Cricket Inn proposed to be demised for 99 years by the Earl of Surrey to James Furnessarc03380

A plan of the tenements and ground at Cricket Inn proposed to be demised for 99 years by the Earl of Surrey to James Furness

9A map of Jonathan Wilson's building lot in the Park [Cricket Inn Road]arc03381

A map of Jonathan Wilson's building lot in the Park [Cricket Inn Road]

10Jonathan Walker's building lot in Sheffield Park [property on the corner of Broad Street Lane and Cricket Inn Road.arc03382

Jonathan Walker's building lot in Sheffield Park [property on the corner of Broad Street Lane and Cricket Inn Road.

Found 782 records.

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