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1Miscellaneous field plans, taken from the Ordnance Survey, at Potter Hill and between Wheata Wood and Greno Woodarc04483

Miscellaneous field plans, taken from the Ordnance Survey, at Potter Hill and between Wheata Wood and Greno Wood

2Sheffield School Board - school at the Manor - plan of new conveniencesarc04486

Sheffield School Board - school at the Manor - plan of new conveniences

3Unidentified schoolarc04487

Unidentified school

4Proposed cemetery, chapel and sexton's house, St. Philip's parish - elevations, plans and sections of proposed chapel and sexton's housearc04488

Proposed cemetery, chapel and sexton's house, St. Philip's parish - elevations, plans and sections of proposed chapel and sexton's house

5Croughton new farm officesarc04497

Croughton new farm offices

6[Croughton new farm]arc04498

[Croughton new farm]

7Unidentified farm buildingarc04499

Unidentified farm building

8Deer Lands Farm [Deerlands Farm], Southeyarc04500

Deer Lands Farm [Deerlands Farm], Southey

9Unidentified doorwayarc04501

Unidentified doorway

10Plan of reservoir at Abbotsford [Melrose, Roxburghshire, Scotland]arc04502

Plan of reservoir at Abbotsford [Melrose, Roxburghshire, Scotland]

Found 782 records.

Page of 79.