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1A plan of the tenements and ground at Shire Green [Shiregreen] held by John Jowitt and Wm. Walkerarc02619

A plan of the tenements and ground at Shire Green [Shiregreen] held by John Jowitt and Wm. Walker

2A map of the lands at and near Crooks [Crookes] part in Ecclesall and part in Nether Hallamy09964

A map of the lands at and near Crooks [Crookes] part in Ecclesall and part in Nether Hallam

3A map of Attercliffe Forge and the Farm, Tenements etc annxed thereto ... belonging to the Duke of Norfolk and ... Eliz Felly09965

A map of Attercliffe Forge and the Farm, Tenements etc annxed thereto ... belonging to the Duke of Norfolk and ... Eliz Fell

4A map of the lands and works in the north park of Sheffield Parky09966

A map of the lands and works in the north park of Sheffield Park

5A plan of the Mill Sands in Sheffield divided into gardens and tenements held of the Earl of Surreyarc02092

A plan of the Mill Sands in Sheffield divided into gardens and tenements held of the Earl of Surrey

6A map of a Close belonging to the Duke of Norfolk now subdivided into gardens, and late under Lease with the Golden Cross in Sheffieldarc02093

A map of a Close belonging to the Duke of Norfolk now subdivided into gardens, and late under Lease with the Golden Cross in Sheffield

7The Close lately held by Thomas Hudson of the Earl of Surrey, divided into lots for gardensarc02094

The Close lately held by Thomas Hudson of the Earl of Surrey, divided into lots for gardens

8Plan of a close adjoining to the Broad Lane with the Gardens etc. formerly part of the said Close, and of another Close contiguous there to as it is now d[ivided] into Gardens the whole being the property of the Duke of Norfolkarc02095

Plan of a close adjoining to the Broad Lane with the Gardens etc. formerly part of the said Close, and of another Close contiguous there to as it is now d[ivided] into Gardens the whole being the property of the Duke of Norfolk

9A scheme for setting out gardens in a manner corresponding with the General Building Planarc02096

A scheme for setting out gardens in a manner corresponding with the General Building Plan

10Map of Owlerbottoms in Stephen Hawksworth's Farmarc02719

Map of Owlerbottoms in Stephen Hawksworth's Farm

Found 782 records.

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