Record Detail

Extract from La Domenica del Corriere (Sunday Courier), 22 Dec 1940, illustrating the Sheffield blitz

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Extract from La Domenica del Corriere (Sunday Courier), 22 Dec 1940, illustrating the Sheffield blitz

Anche Sheffield coventrizzata la citta di Sheffield situate nella regione del Midland ha mezzo millione d?abitanti ed e centro famoso per le sue acciaierie gil alti forni, le fabbriche di munizioni e di ogni altra sorta di material bellico. Tutto il complesso di questi stablilimenti ha subito, in una note, la sorte di quelli di Coventry, di Birmingham, di Southampton, di Bristol ...

Translation: Even Sheffield. Sheffield city, located in the Midland region, has half a million inhabitants and is famous for its steel mills, overseas factories, ammunition factories and all sorts of war material. All of these have experienced the same fate as those in Coventry, Birmingham, Southampton, Bristol ...

At the time of publication Italy and Britain were at war.

Original at Sheffield Local Studies Library: MP 1868 L.

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