Record Detail

Memorial to Casey Family, Ecclesall Churchyard

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Memorial to Casey Family, Ecclesall Churchyard
Peter Evans

Sacred to the memory of Annie, the Beloved wife of Thomas W. Casey, J.P., M.P., who passed over 4th Jul 1931, aged 69 years, an evangelist and local preacher of the Gospel for 53 years. 'The beloved of the Lord dwelleth is safety by Him'. Also Thomas W. Casey, JP., MP., Born 13th Oct 1869 died 29 Nov 1949. Also their daughter Eunice Annie Casey, born 14th Dec 1889 died 21 Jul 1995 a much loved aunt. Sacred to the memory of Alpheaus A. Casey, 12th York and Lancashire Regiment [sic] (City Battalion), son of the above who fell in action in France, 1 July 1916, aged 21 years. Aphaeus was killed at the Battle of the Somme. He is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France. He was a BSc student at Sheffield University before he joined up. His diary can be read at

The family home was Leveston House, Bents Road, Sheffield. Thomas Worrall Casey was born at Intake in Sheffield. As well as a Methodist preacher and a Justice of the Peace he was general secretary of the National Winding and General Engineers Society. He was elected MP (as a Liberal) for Attercliffe in the 1918 General Election (losing it in 1922).

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