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1Leaded window, The Grapes public house, No. 80 Trippet Lanea08423

Leaded window, The Grapes public house, No. 80 Trippet Lane

2Three Tuns public house, No. 39 Silver Street Head and junction with (right) Lee Crofta08427

Three Tuns public house, No. 39 Silver Street Head and junction with (right) Lee Croft

3Three Tuns public house, No. 39 Silver Street Heada08430

Three Tuns public house, No. 39 Silver Street Head

4White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeleya08454

White Lion public house, No. 615 London Road, Heeley

5Triple Point Brewery, No. 178 Shoreham Streeta08433

Triple Point Brewery, No. 178 Shoreham Street

6Triple Point Brewery and Bar, No. 178 Shoreham Streeta08434

Triple Point Brewery and Bar, No. 178 Shoreham Street

7Triple Point Brewery and Bar, No. 178 Shoreham Streeta08435

Triple Point Brewery and Bar, No. 178 Shoreham Street

8Triple Point Brewery and Bar, No. 178 Shoreham Streeta08436

Triple Point Brewery and Bar, No. 178 Shoreham Street

9The Two Rivers cafe and bar, junction of (left) Castlegate and (right) Blonk Streeta08438

The Two Rivers cafe and bar, junction of (left) Castlegate and (right) Blonk Street

10Former gentleman's entrance, The Two Rivers cafe and bar, junction of (left) Castlegate and (right) Blonk Streeta08439

Former gentleman's entrance, The Two Rivers cafe and bar, junction of (left) Castlegate and (right) Blonk Street

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