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1Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block A. Shopping precinctt14883

Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block A. Shopping precinct

2Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block Dt14884

Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block D

3Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block Ct14885

Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block C

4Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block Ct14886

Park Hill Redevelopment Area, Part 1: [Park Hill Flats construction]. Block C

5Crowning of Miss Pamela Burkinshaw as the Queen of the Lower Handsworth District of the Sheffield Community Centre u13539

Crowning of Miss Pamela Burkinshaw as the Queen of the Lower Handsworth District of the Sheffield Community Centre

6Lee family group, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13544

Lee family group, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

7Lee family group, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13545

Lee family group, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

8Lee family group, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13546

Lee family group, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

9Percy Wilton Lee (1903 - 1949), chairman (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13548

Percy Wilton Lee (1903 - 1949), chairman (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

10Leaflet issued for the municipal elections opposing the purchase of a luxury coach by the City Councily15528

Leaflet issued for the municipal elections opposing the purchase of a luxury coach by the City Council

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