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1Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Librarya07961

Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Library

2Just Stop Oil protest, Shoreham Streeta07523

Just Stop Oil protest, Shoreham Street

3Plaque dedicated to the Polish servicemen who gave their lives in the Second World War, Cathedral Church of St Marie, Norfolk Streeta07525

Plaque dedicated to the Polish servicemen who gave their lives in the Second World War, Cathedral Church of St Marie, Norfolk Street

4Plaque and flag dedicated to the Polish servicemen who gave their lives in the Second World War, Cathedral Church of St Marie, Norfolk Streeta07526

Plaque and flag dedicated to the Polish servicemen who gave their lives in the Second World War, Cathedral Church of St Marie, Norfolk Street

5Badge of Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantow (SPK) (Polish Ex-Combatants' Association) on a flag in the Cathedral Church of St Marie, Norfolk Streeta07527

Badge of Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantow (SPK) (Polish Ex-Combatants' Association) on a flag in the Cathedral Church of St Marie, Norfolk Street

6Just Stop Oil protest, Shoreham Streeta07524

Just Stop Oil protest, Shoreham Street

7Council Leader, Councillor Terry Fox and Chief Executive, Kate Josephs at Stannington visiting residents who had been left without hot water and heating after losing gas supplya07519

Council Leader, Councillor Terry Fox and Chief Executive, Kate Josephs at Stannington visiting residents who had been left without hot water and heating after losing gas supply

8Remembrance Day, Barkers Poola07515

Remembrance Day, Barkers Pool

9Christmas lights switch on, Barkers Poola07516

Christmas lights switch on, Barkers Pool

10Christmas Alpine Lodge, Fargatea07517

Christmas Alpine Lodge, Fargate

Found 6864 records.

Page of 687.