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1View from Commercial Street of Supertrams at Castle Square Supertram stop showing (left) T. J. Hughes, department store, High Streetsypte00163

View from Commercial Street of Supertrams at Castle Square Supertram stop showing (left) T. J. Hughes, department store, High Street

2Middlewood Supertram stop at Middlewood Park and Ride, off Middlewood Roadsypte00179

Middlewood Supertram stop at Middlewood Park and Ride, off Middlewood Road

3Midland Railway train at the Sheffield Midland railway station showing (top centre) Norfolk Park Flatssypte00180

Midland Railway train at the Sheffield Midland railway station showing (top centre) Norfolk Park Flats

4Virgin train at Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00181

Virgin train at Sheffield Midland railway station

5Transpennine Express train at the Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00182

Transpennine Express train at the Sheffield Midland railway station

6Train at platform 2, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00183

Train at platform 2, Sheffield Midland railway station

7Entrance concourse, Sheffield Midland railway station, Sheaf Streetsypte00184

Entrance concourse, Sheffield Midland railway station, Sheaf Street

8Platform 1, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00185

Platform 1, Sheffield Midland railway station

9Platform 2, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00186

Platform 2, Sheffield Midland railway station

10Train at platform 1b, Sheffield Midland railway stationsypte00187

Train at platform 1b, Sheffield Midland railway station

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Page of 690.