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1Premier of the Full Monty TV series at the Showroom Cinemaa07903

Premier of the Full Monty TV series at the Showroom Cinema

2Lord Mayor, Councillor Colin Ross on Civic Sundaya07904

Lord Mayor, Councillor Colin Ross on Civic Sunday

3Visitors at the Town Hall for Windrush Day luncha07905

Visitors at the Town Hall for Windrush Day lunch

4Windrush Day lunch at Sheffield Town Halla07906

Windrush Day lunch at Sheffield Town Hall

5Prince William, the Prince of Wales, visiting the Reach Up Youth charity at Burngreave as part of the launch of Homewards a project to end homelessnessa07907

Prince William, the Prince of Wales, visiting the Reach Up Youth charity at Burngreave as part of the launch of Homewards a project to end homelessness

6Sheffield Town Hall lit up in blue to celebrate 75 years of the National Health Service (NHS)a07908

Sheffield Town Hall lit up in blue to celebrate 75 years of the National Health Service (NHS)

7Sheffield Socialist Workers Party: Anti-monarchy / republican postera07957

Sheffield Socialist Workers Party: Anti-monarchy / republican poster

8Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Librarya07958

Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Library

9Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Librarya07959

Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Library

10Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Librarya07960

Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Library

Found 6900 records.

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