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1Karen's American Diner, 4 Suffolk Roada07438

Karen's American Diner, 4 Suffolk Road

2Red Tape Studios, 50 Shoreham Streeta07439

Red Tape Studios, 50 Shoreham Street

3Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Show, Norfolk Park a07440

Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Show, Norfolk Park

4Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Show, Norfolk Park a07441

Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee Show, Norfolk Park

5Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Sioned-Mair Richards and Leader of the Council, Councillor Terry Fox at Sheffield Memorial Park, Serre, Francea07444

Lord Mayor of Sheffield, Sioned-Mair Richards and Leader of the Council, Councillor Terry Fox at Sheffield Memorial Park, Serre, France

6Rose Garden Cafe, Graves Parka07485

Rose Garden Cafe, Graves Park

7Train at Sheffield Midland railway stationa07474

Train at Sheffield Midland railway station

8Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Librarya07961

Sheffield Central Library: Local Studies Library

9Street art by Kid Acne, The Birth of Hip-Hop, South View Roada07429

Street art by Kid Acne, The Birth of Hip-Hop, South View Road

10Sheffield City Boxing Club, Old Sharrow Junior School, South View Roada07430

Sheffield City Boxing Club, Old Sharrow Junior School, South View Road

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