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1Wire drawing employees at (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.)  Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, Crown Steel and Wire Works, Bessemer Roadu13353

Wire drawing employees at (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, Crown Steel and Wire Works, Bessemer Road

2Wire drawing employees at  (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, Crown Steel and Wire Works, Bessemer Roadu13354

Wire drawing employees at (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers, Crown Steel and Wire Works, Bessemer Road

3Probable works outing, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13524

Probable works outing, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

4Probable works outing, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturersu13526

Probable works outing, (Lee of Sheffield Ltd.) Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., steel manufacturers

5Unidentified groupt15964

Unidentified group

6Adelphi Theatre playbill: Enormous attraction for the Easter holidays [Apr 1858]arc07361

Adelphi Theatre playbill: Enormous attraction for the Easter holidays [Apr 1858]

7Theatre Royal playbill: Charles II, etc., 13 Feb 1858arc07393

Theatre Royal playbill: Charles II, etc., 13 Feb 1858

8Theatre Royal playbill: Sixteen String Jack, etc., 13 Feb 1858arc07392

Theatre Royal playbill: Sixteen String Jack, etc., 13 Feb 1858

9Town Hall from Town Hall Square showing (left) Surrey Street and (right) Pinstone Streetov00001

Town Hall from Town Hall Square showing (left) Surrey Street and (right) Pinstone Street

10West view of Sheffieldov00159

West view of Sheffield

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