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1Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (3rd left), Thomas Wollinger (2nd right) and Jagoda Josch (1st right) from Bochum, Germany to the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), Rotherhama08741

Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (3rd left), Thomas Wollinger (2nd right) and Jagoda Josch (1st right) from Bochum, Germany to the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), Rotherham

2Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (2nd left), Thomas Wollinger (1st right) and Jagoda Josch (2nd right) from Bochum, Germany to McLaren Composites Technology Centre (MCTC), Unit 3, Selden Way, Catcliffea08742

Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (2nd left), Thomas Wollinger (1st right) and Jagoda Josch (2nd right) from Bochum, Germany to McLaren Composites Technology Centre (MCTC), Unit 3, Selden Way, Catcliffe

3Millhouses Park children's playground, and River Sheaf, Abbeydale Road Southt15559

Millhouses Park children's playground, and River Sheaf, Abbeydale Road South

4Sylvester Streett15592

Sylvester Street

5Albert Road, showing Webster's Autos, car repairs and welding and Riverdale Motors (former Sheffield Corporation Tramway Heeley Depot)t15543

Albert Road, showing Webster's Autos, car repairs and welding and Riverdale Motors (former Sheffield Corporation Tramway Heeley Depot)

6Arnold Laver and Co. Ltd., timber merchants, Shoreham Streett15473

Arnold Laver and Co. Ltd., timber merchants, Shoreham Street

7Arnold Laver and Co. Ltd., timber merchants, Shoreham Streett15474

Arnold Laver and Co. Ltd., timber merchants, Shoreham Street

8Broad Street showing (left) Nos. 57 - 67 Frank Cobb and Company, silversmiths, electro platers etc., Howard Workst15475

Broad Street showing (left) Nos. 57 - 67 Frank Cobb and Company, silversmiths, electro platers etc., Howard Works

9J and P Autos (right) trading in the former premises of Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., Clyde Works, Sheldon Row, off The Wickert15476

J and P Autos (right) trading in the former premises of Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., Clyde Works, Sheldon Row, off The Wicker

10Former premises of Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., Clyde Works, Sheldon Row, off The Wickert15477

Former premises of Samuel Osborn and Co. Ltd., Clyde Works, Sheldon Row, off The Wicker

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