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1Unknown York and Lancaster Regiment 4th (Hallamshire) Battalion soldierarc02453

Unknown York and Lancaster Regiment 4th (Hallamshire) Battalion soldier

2Portrait photograph of First World War soldier simply labelled 'Ted Jones' on reversearc02454

Portrait photograph of First World War soldier simply labelled 'Ted Jones' on reverse

34th (Hallamshire) York and Lancaster Regiment Reunion Dinner menu and programmearc02455

4th (Hallamshire) York and Lancaster Regiment Reunion Dinner menu and programme

44th (Hallamshire) York and Lancaster Regiment Reunion Dinner menu and programmearc02456

4th (Hallamshire) York and Lancaster Regiment Reunion Dinner menu and programme

5Children's Peace Celebrations in Sheffield. The scene at the Town Hall, showing two of the Tableaux.y13019

Children's Peace Celebrations in Sheffield. The scene at the Town Hall, showing two of the Tableaux.

6Children's Peace Celebrations in Sheffield - tableaux of Progress and Victory.y13020

Children's Peace Celebrations in Sheffield - tableaux of Progress and Victory.

7Children's Peace Celebrations in Sheffield -  after the day's work, a cup of teay13021

Children's Peace Celebrations in Sheffield - after the day's work, a cup of tea

8Children's Peace Celebrations in Sheffield - Victory passes through unique guard of honoury13022

Children's Peace Celebrations in Sheffield - Victory passes through unique guard of honour

9Great Peace Pageant in aid of the Blinded Soldiers and Sailors After Care Fund, St Dunstansy13081

Great Peace Pageant in aid of the Blinded Soldiers and Sailors After Care Fund, St Dunstans

10Children singing at the Town Hall in celebration of the end of World War Iy13061

Children singing at the Town Hall in celebration of the end of World War I

Found 4872 records.

Page of 488.