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1Private J. Grant, Royal Engineers, Bole Hill Road, Sheffield, woundedy10058

Private J. Grant, Royal Engineers, Bole Hill Road, Sheffield, wounded

2Captain Eric Payten Dark, Royal Army Medical Corps, brother of Rev. W. A. Dark, Vicar of St. Bartholomew's Church, Sheffield,  awarded the Military Crossy10059

Captain Eric Payten Dark, Royal Army Medical Corps, brother of Rev. W. A. Dark, Vicar of St. Bartholomew's Church, Sheffield, awarded the Military Cross

3Second Lt. Edwin Frank Sherwood, of Sheffield who has been given a commission in the Tanks Corpsy10060

Second Lt. Edwin Frank Sherwood, of Sheffield who has been given a commission in the Tanks Corps

4Lance Corp A. Bell, R.S.F. (Royal Scots Fusiliers), Princess Royal Hotel [No. 43 Slinn Street], Crookes, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medaly10061

Lance Corp A. Bell, R.S.F. (Royal Scots Fusiliers), Princess Royal Hotel [No. 43 Slinn Street], Crookes, Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal

5Private J. E. O'Connor, York and Lancaster Regiment, Hoyle Street, Sheffield, severly wounded and gassedy10062

Private J. E. O'Connor, York and Lancaster Regiment, Hoyle Street, Sheffield, severly wounded and gassed

6Lance Corp. E. Lapidge, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, woundedy10063

Lance Corp. E. Lapidge, West Yorkshire Regiment, Sheffield, wounded

7Private R. Turner, York and Lancaster Regiment, 9 Carlton Ville Road, Sheffield, died of woundsy10064

Private R. Turner, York and Lancaster Regiment, 9 Carlton Ville Road, Sheffield, died of wounds

8Private A. Law, Army Service Corps, of Sheffield, awarded the Military Medaly10065

Private A. Law, Army Service Corps, of Sheffield, awarded the Military Medal

9Petty Officer J. H. Cheetham, Royal Naval Division, 37 Firbeck Steet, Denaby, has been awarded the Military Medal, now wounded in hospitaly10085

Petty Officer J. H. Cheetham, Royal Naval Division, 37 Firbeck Steet, Denaby, has been awarded the Military Medal, now wounded in hospital

10Private Geo. Simmonite, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), 58 Earl Street, Sheffield, killedy10086

Private Geo. Simmonite, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI), 58 Earl Street, Sheffield, killed

Found 4873 records.

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