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1Sir John Brown (1816-1896), Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1861 - 1862y04511

Sir John Brown (1816-1896), Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1861 - 1862

2William Charles De Meuron Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 7th Earl Fitzwilliam (1872 - 1943)s08163

William Charles De Meuron Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 7th Earl Fitzwilliam (1872 - 1943)

3William Charles De Meuron (1872 - 1943), VII Earl Fitzwilliams08164

William Charles De Meuron (1872 - 1943), VII Earl Fitzwilliam

4The late Samuel Osborn (1826 - 1891), Master Cutler 1873, Mayor 1890 - 91s08455

The late Samuel Osborn (1826 - 1891), Master Cutler 1873, Mayor 1890 - 91

5Edward Vickers (1804 - 1897), Mayor 1847s08462

Edward Vickers (1804 - 1897), Mayor 1847

6Councillor Albert Ballard (d.1969), Lord Mayor, 1957-58u04605

Councillor Albert Ballard (d.1969), Lord Mayor, 1957-58

7Alderman Samuel Osborn, J.P., Chairman of the Libraries and Museums Committee, November 1932 to October 1933u04610

Alderman Samuel Osborn, J.P., Chairman of the Libraries and Museums Committee, November 1932 to October 1933

8Lord Mayors Parlour, Town Hall, Pinstone Streety02548

Lord Mayors Parlour, Town Hall, Pinstone Street

Found 818 records.

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