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1Ernest Storm Graham (d.1962), Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1947 - 48y11881

Ernest Storm Graham (d.1962), Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1947 - 48

2Buffer girl, Ethel Jones (nee Spotswood), from Walker and Hall Ltd., presenting flowers to Clement Atlee's wife (first left) at the City Hall showing Clement Attlee (first right) and the Lord Mayor, Alderman William Ernest Yorke (centre)u10673

Buffer girl, Ethel Jones (nee Spotswood), from Walker and Hall Ltd., presenting flowers to Clement Atlee's wife (first left) at the City Hall showing Clement Attlee (first right) and the Lord Mayor, Alderman William Ernest Yorke (centre)

3Children being met by Lord Mayor Alderman Thomas William Bridglandt08688

Children being met by Lord Mayor Alderman Thomas William Bridgland

4Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall, J.P., Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1943 - 1944y12737

Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall, J.P., Lord Mayor of Sheffield, 1943 - 1944

5Alderman Peter Buchanan (d.1962), Sheffield Lord Mayor, 1952 - 1953y12900

Alderman Peter Buchanan (d.1962), Sheffield Lord Mayor, 1952 - 1953

6Alderman Luther Frederick Milner, Lord Mayor, 1940-1941v04844

Alderman Luther Frederick Milner, Lord Mayor, 1940-1941

7Possibly Mrs Milner, Lady Mayoress, 1940-1941v04845

Possibly Mrs Milner, Lady Mayoress, 1940-1941

8Mrs Mitchell, Lady Mayoress, 1941-1942v04846

Mrs Mitchell, Lady Mayoress, 1941-1942

9Mrs Bridgwater, Lady Mayoress, 1942-1943v04847

Mrs Bridgwater, Lady Mayoress, 1942-1943

10Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall, JP, Lord Mayor, 1943-1944v04848

Councillor Samuel Hartley Marshall, JP, Lord Mayor, 1943-1944

Found 814 records.

Page of 82.