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1Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (2nd left), Thomas Wollinger (1st right) and Jagoda Josch (2nd right) from Bochum, Germany to McLaren Composites Technology Centre (MCTC), Unit 3, Selden Way, Catcliffea08742

Visit of Oberbürgermeister Thomas Eiskirch (2nd left), Thomas Wollinger (1st right) and Jagoda Josch (2nd right) from Bochum, Germany to McLaren Composites Technology Centre (MCTC), Unit 3, Selden Way, Catcliffe

2Cake to celebrate the centenary of the Park Library and Community Centre, Duke Streeta08606

Cake to celebrate the centenary of the Park Library and Community Centre, Duke Street

3Park Hill Flatsa08580

Park Hill Flats

4Park Hill Flatsa08581

Park Hill Flats

5Park Hill Flatsa08582

Park Hill Flats

6Moore Street electricity sub stationa08583

Moore Street electricity sub station

7Moore Street electricity sub stationa08584

Moore Street electricity sub station

8Moore Street electricity sub stationa08585

Moore Street electricity sub station

9Moore Street electricity sub stationa08586

Moore Street electricity sub station

10Moore Street electricity sub stationa08587

Moore Street electricity sub station

Found 853 records.

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