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1Nether Edge Hospitalt15244

Nether Edge Hospital

2Nether Edge Hospitalt15245

Nether Edge Hospital

3Foundation stone, Nether Edge Hospitalt15246

Foundation stone, Nether Edge Hospital

4Nether Edge Hospital, Union Roadt15247

Nether Edge Hospital, Union Road

5Site of US Air Force Boeing RB-29A Superfortress plane crash, Higher Shelf Stones, Bleaklow, Derbyshiret15248

Site of US Air Force Boeing RB-29A Superfortress plane crash, Higher Shelf Stones, Bleaklow, Derbyshire

6Site of US Air Force Boeing RB-29A Superfortress plane crash, Higher Shelf Stones, Bleaklow, Derbyshiret15249

Site of US Air Force Boeing RB-29A Superfortress plane crash, Higher Shelf Stones, Bleaklow, Derbyshire

7Blast Lane looking towards Broad Street showing (left) No. 18 Bramhall and Malkin, motor engineerst15250

Blast Lane looking towards Broad Street showing (left) No. 18 Bramhall and Malkin, motor engineers

8Rear of former Frank Cobb and Company, silversmiths, electro platers etc., Howard Works, Nos. 57 - 67 Broad Street t15251

Rear of former Frank Cobb and Company, silversmiths, electro platers etc., Howard Works, Nos. 57 - 67 Broad Street

9Former premises of Frank Cobb and Company, silversmiths, electro platers etc., Howard Works, Nos. 57 - 67 Broad Street at junction of (centre) Blast Lane looking towards (left) Park Squaret15252

Former premises of Frank Cobb and Company, silversmiths, electro platers etc., Howard Works, Nos. 57 - 67 Broad Street at junction of (centre) Blast Lane looking towards (left) Park Square

10Construction work at junction of Wellington Street and Eldon Street showing (back left) Telephone Houset15265

Construction work at junction of Wellington Street and Eldon Street showing (back left) Telephone House

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