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1Former St. George C. of E. Church, Brook Hill showing (back centre) Jessop Hospital for Woment15416

Former St. George C. of E. Church, Brook Hill showing (back centre) Jessop Hospital for Women

2R D Shopfitting, shop fitters, Portobello Works, junction of Leavygreave Road and Victoria Streett15417

R D Shopfitting, shop fitters, Portobello Works, junction of Leavygreave Road and Victoria Street

3Norfolk Road at the junction with Claywood Drive (left) t15418

Norfolk Road at the junction with Claywood Drive (left)

4Daniel Doncaster and Sons Ltd., steel converters, Doncaster Street t15419

Daniel Doncaster and Sons Ltd., steel converters, Doncaster Street

5Carved stonework tiger, Tiger Works, No. 138 West Street, former premises of John Townroe and Sons, electro platers; Reus Deakin and Co. and later Dawson Ltd., electro platerst15420

Carved stonework tiger, Tiger Works, No. 138 West Street, former premises of John Townroe and Sons, electro platers; Reus Deakin and Co. and later Dawson Ltd., electro platers

6Carved stonework tiger, Tiger Works, No. 138 West Street, former premises of John Townroe and Sons, electro platers; Reus Deakin and Co. and later Dawson Ltd., electro platerst15421

Carved stonework tiger, Tiger Works, No. 138 West Street, former premises of John Townroe and Sons, electro platers; Reus Deakin and Co. and later Dawson Ltd., electro platers

7Unidentified building, rear of The Wickert15422

Unidentified building, rear of The Wicker

8T. W. Pearson Ltd., manufacturers of high speed steels, Wyvern Steel Works, Matilda Lanet15423

T. W. Pearson Ltd., manufacturers of high speed steels, Wyvern Steel Works, Matilda Lane

9M. and J. Moore, wholesale cash and carry, Stanley House, Stanley Street at junction with (foreground) The Wickert15424

M. and J. Moore, wholesale cash and carry, Stanley House, Stanley Street at junction with (foreground) The Wicker

10Carved stonework on Yorkshire House for Johnson and Appleyard, the original occupants who were cabinet makers to the HRH Prince of Wales, junction of Barkers Pool and Leopold Street t15425

Carved stonework on Yorkshire House for Johnson and Appleyard, the original occupants who were cabinet makers to the HRH Prince of Wales, junction of Barkers Pool and Leopold Street

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