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1Bakers Hill showing steps to Fitzalan Square and (top left) General Post Officet15411

Bakers Hill showing steps to Fitzalan Square and (top left) General Post Office

2Temporary car park at rear of Portobellot15412

Temporary car park at rear of Portobello

3Catholic Apostolic Church, Victoria Streett15413

Catholic Apostolic Church, Victoria Street

4Carved stonework above doorway of former premises of William Turner and Sons, steel files and edge tools, Caledonia Works, Mappin Streett15414

Carved stonework above doorway of former premises of William Turner and Sons, steel files and edge tools, Caledonia Works, Mappin Street

5The Wicker showing (l. to r.) Nos. 25 - 31, G. A. Woodcock Ltd., Woodcock Travel, travel agents; No. 35 Old Coach House and Nos. 39 - 41 Animal Magic, pet supplies storet15415

The Wicker showing (l. to r.) Nos. 25 - 31, G. A. Woodcock Ltd., Woodcock Travel, travel agents; No. 35 Old Coach House and Nos. 39 - 41 Animal Magic, pet supplies store

6Former St. George C. of E. Church, Brook Hill showing (back centre) Jessop Hospital for Woment15416

Former St. George C. of E. Church, Brook Hill showing (back centre) Jessop Hospital for Women

7R D Shopfitting, shop fitters, Portobello Works, junction of Leavygreave Road and Victoria Streett15417

R D Shopfitting, shop fitters, Portobello Works, junction of Leavygreave Road and Victoria Street

8Norfolk Road at the junction with Claywood Drive (left) t15418

Norfolk Road at the junction with Claywood Drive (left)

9Daniel Doncaster and Sons Ltd., steel converters, Doncaster Street t15419

Daniel Doncaster and Sons Ltd., steel converters, Doncaster Street

10Carved stonework tiger, Tiger Works, No. 138 West Street, former premises of John Townroe and Sons, electro platers; Reus Deakin and Co. and later Dawson Ltd., electro platerst15420

Carved stonework tiger, Tiger Works, No. 138 West Street, former premises of John Townroe and Sons, electro platers; Reus Deakin and Co. and later Dawson Ltd., electro platers

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