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1Cupboard, first floor, Central Library, Surrey Streeta08673

Cupboard, first floor, Central Library, Surrey Street

2Hot desking space, offices and meeting rooms, first floor, Central Library, Surrey Streeta08674

Hot desking space, offices and meeting rooms, first floor, Central Library, Surrey Street

3Administration office, first floor, Central Library, Surrey Streeta08675

Administration office, first floor, Central Library, Surrey Street

4Door from staff staircase into the Central Lending Library, Central Library, Surrey Streeta08676

Door from staff staircase into the Central Lending Library, Central Library, Surrey Street

5Rear entrance from loading bay, Central Library, (Arundel Gate goods entrance)a08677

Rear entrance from loading bay, Central Library, (Arundel Gate goods entrance)

6Detail of metal door handle, Central Library, Surrey Streeta08678

Detail of metal door handle, Central Library, Surrey Street

7Sheffield Hallam University (LGBTQ+ / Pride) flag, Arundel Gatea08679

Sheffield Hallam University (LGBTQ+ / Pride) flag, Arundel Gate

8Foyer, Curzon Cinema, No. 16 George Streeta08680

Foyer, Curzon Cinema, No. 16 George Street

9Former William and Glyn's Bank, No. 106 The Moor and (right) Fitzwilliam Gate showing (left) the Manpower Services Commision offices (Moorfoot)a08550

Former William and Glyn's Bank, No. 106 The Moor and (right) Fitzwilliam Gate showing (left) the Manpower Services Commision offices (Moorfoot)

10Footpath plaque and memorial tree to International Workers Memorial Day, Pinstone Streeta08551

Footpath plaque and memorial tree to International Workers Memorial Day, Pinstone Street

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