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1Architect's drawing for [interior of] Saint Georges' Church, Madrid (architects: Gibbs, Flockton and Teather, Sheffield [and] Jose Lopez Sallaberry, Madrid)ov00169

Architect's drawing for [interior of] Saint Georges' Church, Madrid (architects: Gibbs, Flockton and Teather, Sheffield [and] Jose Lopez Sallaberry, Madrid)

2Proclamation of King George V outside Sheffield Town Hall, Pinstone Streetov00183

Proclamation of King George V outside Sheffield Town Hall, Pinstone Street

3Robert Schott (1840 - 1915)ov00184

Robert Schott (1840 - 1915)

4G. R. Vineov00186

G. R. Vine

5New west end to the Norfolk Market Hall, Haymarket showing (centre) T. P. Rodgers, music and musical instrument warehouse and (right) The People's Boot Marketov00187

New west end to the Norfolk Market Hall, Haymarket showing (centre) T. P. Rodgers, music and musical instrument warehouse and (right) The People's Boot Market

6Samuel Barrattov00188

Samuel Barratt

7Programme for the Music in the Parks and Open Spaces season: Meersbrook Parky15338

Programme for the Music in the Parks and Open Spaces season: Meersbrook Park

8Central Secondary School, Leopold Street: [laboratory]y15329

Central Secondary School, Leopold Street: [laboratory]

9Central Secondary School, Leopold Street: [laboratory]y15330

Central Secondary School, Leopold Street: [laboratory]

10Central Secondary School, Leopold Street: [work shop]y15331

Central Secondary School, Leopold Street: [work shop]

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