Record Detail

Class photograph of six year old infants, Hucklow Road School, teacher Dorothy Shaw

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Class photograph of six year old infants, Hucklow Road School, teacher Dorothy Shaw
Marking Time Project

There would be 60 in a class, but numbers were down at the time of photograph because of an outbreak of measles.

Back Row l to r Teacher Dorothy Shaw; Barbara Harrison; Joyce Green; ? ; ? ; Madeline O'Dale; Sheila ? ; Grenville Hurly; Jean Tyler: ? ; ? ;

2nd Row Doreen Wilson; Beryl Smith; Dorothy Butler; Dorothy Exley ( went to Australia) ; Sheila ? ; Kenneth Myes; ? ; Sydney Smith

3rd Row Iris Flint; Sheila Ravenhurst (Idsworth Road); Elaine Rotherford;

Derek Ibbotson (killed in Sheffield Blitz on 1st Thurday night aged 17); ? ; ? ; ? ; Joan Ferguson; Stuart Orr

4th Row Barbara ? ; Jacky Reynolds; Howard Whitehead; Sheila ? ; Alfred Parker; Gordon Pulford; ? .

Front Row Matt Shepherd; George Coleman; Doug Mabbet; Phyllis Driver;John ?

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