Record Detail

Sale particulars for building land near Pond Street to be sold by auction

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Sale particulars for building land near Pond Street to be sold by auction

Formerly the site of the Pond Tilt and Dam, containing 14,529 square yards or thereabouts, with two dwelling houses thereon fronting to Pond Street aforesaid, in the occupation of John Senior and Joseph Holmes. The land has extensive frontage to the River Porter, from which, as also from the River Sheaf, it has the right of water, and is well adapted for the erection of manufactories, breweries, and any business requiring water; or it could be advantageously laid out in building lots for dwelling hoses. It is in a central situation, and easy approachable from the railway station and canal.

Surveyor: S. F. Holmes, Sheffield.

Pawson and Brailsford, Lithographers.

Original at Sheffield Local Studies Library: Sale Plans 10 April 1860.

This item was digitised through financial support from the Sheffield and District Family History Society.

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